Boot Stands - Amazon Product Photography
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Monday, September 18, 2017
By Alanna Rose Photography
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Sometimes our clients send us the most random of things! Today's shipment that needed product photography or retail photography included boot shapers! These are made to keep those tall fall boots in good shape by preventing cracking in the leather folds during the off season. Simply place the boot shaper in the boot and it keeps the boot standing upright all Summer long! Our challenge in shooting a product like this was that the product itself (the individual know out image) does not do anything for the product. So, we created a main image where we have hands placing the boot shaper in the boot. The other listing images were things like the boots in a closet with the shapers, what happens if you don't have a shaper in your boot etc. When we sent the proofs to our client for review he was excited that we had come up with so many images for this product. At the bottom of his listing you can see the images that the Manufacturer gave to him, so he used them just to fill out the available images. What a difference between what we shot and what he got from the manufacturer! I love flipping through product images on Amazon and seeing our main images in the listings! 


Below are some of the photos we did for him. Tell us what you think!



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