Jayla, A UAB Graduate
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Friday, December 30, 2016
By Alanna Rose Photography
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One of my favorite things in working with Seniors is that I get a chance to meet so many talented, driven people. Jayla, was not short of any of these things. She is a recent graduate form the University of Alabama, Birmingham (UAB). She is a December Graduate that has worked hard to put herself through school and work at the same time. She is one of those people that you meet an instantly fall in love with because of her contagious laugh and wit. We had such a great time shooting her in her downtown Birmingham campus. 


She started her session off near the new UAB student center. We also visited the library and the school she spent the most amount of time in, Healthcare Administration. I really look forward to hearing from her on what she is going to do next. Go Blazers!!



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