Any Softball Fans Out There? - Sports Equipment Product Photography
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Wednesday, September 20, 2017
By Alanna Rose Photography
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One of the best things about our business is that we get to meet all types of small businesses, and we photograph all types of retail products. Some people are truly very interesting in what they develop or how they start their small business. Defender Sports is on of those businesses that is home grown here in Birmingham, AL. It is a small company that is breaking into the sports equipment market with their first product, softball face masks. One of the very cool things we have seen with this product is how the owner, Rodney, has taken the product and it's packaging from concept, to design, to prototype, to market! We couldn't be more proud of him! He has met with some of the top dogs in the industry and we hope to see his product on the shelf before long! 


From a product photography standpoint, this product is very challenging. They don't make "ghost mannequins" for faces. So, we had to be very creative in how we shot these products so that we could create knockouts of each one of them while keeping the same angels and making sure the colors were true. Not as easy task! Rodney changed several of the paint colors several times, and never had the RGB numbers to go with the different colors. Simply shooting one mask and painting the color on the foam or the metal was not possible in this case (We often do this for clothing lines). So, every mask, every prototype had to be shot in the same manner, at the same angle, and without showing how we stood it up to shoot it! Below are the results. W wish Rodney and Defender Sports all the best in the retail endeavors and look forward to working with them again for their next product photography need! 



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