How to avoid the most hated things part two.
You look washed out or to pale.
People who are very pale should be very careful of the colors that they wear. You want to wear tones that will pull out the colors in your eyes and in your features. A common mistake is to wear black, often times that will make you look more washed out. Instead try deep tones like navy blue or maroon. They are less harsh on the skin and can pull out your natural colors.
From a photography standpoint, if a person looks too pale we have ways in which we can give color to their skin in postproduction. If you feel like you are pal, mention it to your photographer and make sure that they do what they need to to make sure that you have color. This is something that you should also discuss with your make up artist.
Your heavier in the midsection then you would like to be.
If you feel like you are heavier in your midsection, be sure to lift your torso and bend toward the camera. This will shift your weight back away from the camera. Be sure you're sitting or standing up straight and elongating your spine. You might find your best angles are slightly down. Meaning that your photographers camera is eye level to you and shooting slightly downward. This again will make your face closer to the camera and your weight further away.
Your arms look heavy.
If you feel that your arms look big or heavy in pictures, be sure that you are not putting them directly against your body. When you press your arm against your body it flattens your muscles and makes your arms look thicker. Try lifting your arms slightly off your body and it will thin out your arms significantly.