Willam M.
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Saturday, February 11, 2017
By Alanna Rose Photography
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Keep your eyes peeled for William because is going to be the new, up and comer in the field of Law in the Birmingham area! He is currently in his second year at Faulkner College to achieve a degree in law. He recently contacted Alanna Rose Photography for corporate head shots to use for a Linked In profile and any other future endeavors he may want to pursue. When talking about his future with us during his photo shoot, William told us that although he was still unsure of what kind of law he is wanting to pursue, he is extremely open to any opportunities that come his way! We chose to put him on both grey and blue backdrops to compliment his outfits. The blue will also help him stand out from others, and it really made his eyes pop. We wish William the best of luck in finishing school and finding his true calling in the field of law! 

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